Sunday, April 12, 2015

Mom's Weekend 2015

Quote of the night: "Wait, you mean the party starts at 10:15? I thought it ended at 10:15!" - Mom

Well, it's official, I know who I get my awkward party dance moves from. I got'em from my momma. 

This weekend was Phi Mu's Mom's Weekend that began on Friday with a meet and greet at the house. I'm positive my mom was happy to finally meet all of my friends that I am always talking about and their moms.  Isn't the Mom's Weekend banner cute?

Saturday morning we went to Wine and Canvas with some sisters and their mommas to attempt a ridiculously hard painting. And no, despite how messy I can be, I did not get paint on my sweatshirt. 

Then Saturday we had our Mom's Weekend banquet to raise money for our Little 500 bike team. Sadly I didn't win the coveted parking spot at the house so it looks like I'll be parking my car on the street (insert crying emoji). Here are some pictures from the country club that it was held at: 

3/4 of my Greek am

Cara and Lakin, as we recreate a picture from formal

Momma and I 

90% of the time we're laughing at something I did. 

Always the awkwardly tall friend, never the short one. 

Dress from American Eagle and kimono from Urban Outfitters

And last but not least, my mom went out past her curfew and danced to music she knows.

"I really like the pledge pick up. Especially when they're cute" 

Mostly commonly said thing to my mom- "OMG is that a Lilly shirt" 

Okay Momma, you need to chill, you're married. 

If you need me, I'll be dancing to Superstition and Uptown Funk

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