Friday, October 6, 2017

Smart Study Habits

It's midterm time in college and I'm currently studying up for my second round of exams of senior year. My first round of exams didn't go as well as I hoped, but I'm hoping these exams will go better. Here are some study tips and habits that I swear by.

Use Pocket Points to stay off of your phone 

Pocket Points is an app available on iPhone and Android that you can use as motivation to not look at your phone while you're on campus. When you're on campus, simply open up the app to the home screen, and then close your phone. When you open your phone back up, you'll earn points. When those points begin to rack up, you can use them to get coupon codes for local restaurants, stores, and online shops. I personally use my points for food coupons. I've used Pocket Points since sophomore year and I've racked up 8424 points and I'm ranked 47th on IU's campus. 

Make a to-do list 

I always make a to-do list before I go study so that I know what all I need to get done that day and I will not go home until I finish it all. 

Study somewhere other than your room

I cannot focus in my room. When I need to study for a long period of time, I will go to a local coffee shop, Barnes and Noble, or the library. My room holds way too many distractions and I find myself going to the kitchen for snacks too often. 

Color code your agenda 

I color code each of my classes, clubs, and my sorority events. It helps me keep track of everything that I need to get done and it helps me not mix any due dates up. 

Study with or without music

I personally study with classical music most of the time just so that I have something in the background to block out talking. I also frequently listen to rain or rainforest noises, but it's important to figure out what you can study with. 

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1 comment:

  1. I'm ALL about color-coding agendas - when I was in college, I had a different colored pen for each class!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes
