Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Freshman Experience: What I've Learned At College So Far

Hi! My name is Mallory and I am a college freshman. I've been reading blogs for awhile and I decided that I wanted to write my own to get away from the chaos of the outside world. I thought that I would start a series on my freshman year experiences and there's no better way to start than to start with what I've learned so far. 

My Freshman Experience 

I've been away at school since August 18, and I've only been home twice. There are many little things  from home that I've realized that I took for granted at home. However, these little things have helped me get through the first eight weeks of school. 

What I've Learned at College So Far

1. Be prepared for changes: 
There are changes all over the place. I can wear yoga pants to class without getting in trouble. I can use my computer in most of my classes. I have to do my own laundry. It's things like these that make me realize how different college is from high school. 

2. Stay organized:
I always used the agenda that my high school gave us at the beginning of each school year to record everything I needed to do and maybe if it was important enough it would also go into my phone. However, here in college, everything goes into my Lilly Pulitzer agenda and important dates such as exams and meetings go into my phone. 

3.  Have plenty of pens on hand: 
I have pens littered across my desk, my backpack, and my various tote bags. I never know when my pens are going to run out and they are my go to writing utensil. Especially when I'm writing book notes or creating colorful study guides. 

4. Coffee is my new best friend:
I have an addiction to coffee. There. I said it. I get my usual vent iced skinny caramel macchiato from Starbucks everyday after my 9:05am Spanish class. I'm not surprised if the baristas have my order memorized yet.  

5. There are good study spots all around:
The go to study spots on my campus are in the student union, and those spots are coveted. If you see one, you grab it; no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I also love to study in my campus's chemistry building and of course the library. Also, if it's sunny out I'll grab a spot at a table outside at either the union or outside my dorm. 

6. Make time for you
This is so important. My "me time" can be little things from listening to music while walking to class or writing this blog post right now. Take time for yourself often. Within the first few weeks of school I went home because I was too burnt out. Sometimes that is what it takes. Let go however you want to. It can be reading, going on a walk, going to the gym, partying, or getting a mani pedi. Take time for you. 

7. Make friends
I moved in early so for three days I had no one to talk to, until the first official night of welcome week when my dorm had mocktails in the lobby. They were after the floor meetings and I went down there with some people from my floor. Little did I know that seven short weeks later, the five of us are best friends. A group comprised of two Homegrown Hoosiers, a Georgia bred girl, and two wonderful International friends. Do not be afraid to make friends outside of your comfort zone. I do not regret it. 

8. Be you
I have to admit that I am still not 100% myself with my friends. It takes me awhile to be open with people. Sometimes when I need to vent I'll call my best friend that goes to another university because she understand me. Don't forget to be you because if your friends can't respect you for being you, they aren't your friends. 


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