Friday, August 7, 2015

College Series: The Do's and Don'ts of Classes

Try to purchase all of your textbooks before your first week of classes so that you'll know that you have the textbook. You don't want be part of the outrageous number of students that are lined up at the bookstore waiting for books once classes start. Don't forget to pick them up before classes start to avoid the lines as well. I usually purchase most of my textbooks from a local TIS Bookstore because it's convenient at the end of the semester when I return them. I recommend purchasing your textbooks from Amazon or your local university bookstore.

Purchase new books for classes that pertain to your major if you plan on going to graduate schools. These new textbooks may pay off in the future!

Rent or by used books. I personally don't rent my textbooks, but purchasing used textbooks can save you a ton of money. Plus, you'll save money!

Carry all of your textbooks around with you on campus. Two words: back problems. Usually you won't have to take your textbooks to class unless it's a lab or a foreign language class. I only carried my books around campus when I was headed to study for specific classes. Books are heavy!! (Especially if you take your laptop everywhere)

Sit in the back of lecture halls. It will be harder to concentrate because you'll see all of the computer screens for the 200 people in front of you. Sit closer to the front to be more engaged with the class. The professor may even notice!

Go to office hours. I didn't go to any office hours until second semester and I regret it. I lost all of my study habits and struggled. Your professors are your largest assets. Don't be afraid to go talk to one!

Make friends with fellow students. They may have some study tips and you may have some great friends and the end of it! I made a lot of friends in my chemistry class so we all decided to take the same class, lab, and discussion classes this upcoming semester.

Sit on your phone during class. Put your phone out of reach in your backpack with the sound turned off. I also turn the vibration off. Do not disturb is also a good option.

Try out different study habits to see what works for you! My study habits completely changed in college.

Keep on top of things! Keep an agenda that is updated with important due dates.

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