Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Journal Entry Ideas

So I've recently gotten into journaling, and I thought that I share some journal prompt/entry ideas. Also note, by journaling I don't mean bullet journaling...because if we're being honest, I tried and failed at bullet journaling. However, if that's your kind of thing, go ahead! I personally have journals for fitness, books, and just normal entries. Yes, I have three different journals haha. Here are some journal entry ideas:

Journal Entry Ideas

   Something your grateful for that day
Set a five minute timer and just write whatever you want to for five minutes
 What brings you joy?
 Your favorite quote and why
 What item will you cross of your bucket list next?
 Talk about your morning routine
 Talk about what would want your morning routine to be, and then try it for a week.
  Today I will enjoy nature by…
    Life goals in five sentences or less.
What is something that I’ve always wanted to do, but have always wanted to do?

Where to Find Journals
I usually pick my journals up at TJ MAXX since they're much cheaper and area usually pretty cute!  I actually just picked up three. 



I think the next kind of journaling I want to try is a five year journal, which is a journal which you add something everyday for five years and see what you said on the same day the year before. One of my friends is currently completing a journal like this and she really enjoys it.

What are some of your favorite journal prompts?


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