Sunday, March 8, 2015

Show You Care

"Friendship isn't about who've you've known the longest. It's about who's walked into your life and said "I'm here for you" and proved it." - Unknown 

I'm sitting in my dorm room thinking about what I was supposed to do Saturday night, but know that God had better plans for how I would spend it. Earlier Saturday night the IU community learned of a death of a student and her mother in a deadly collision and immediately the greek community was there to give condolences to the student's sorority. Plans were canceled for the night and my sisters and I were urged to hang out with our friends and think about how much they mean to us. And that's just what I did. 

Instead of spending the night dressed in a tutu, I sat on my bed watching TV and eating cheesy bread while sending text messages to some of my closest friends. Ironically, my three closest friends go to different schools and I would like to think that my little message brightened their days just a little bit. A message to a friend or family member doesn't need to be long, it just needs to convey that you care.  I told my friends that I loved them and that I valued our friendship and that I'm so glad that we're friends. 

It's difficult to think that at any moment you or any of your friends and family could be delivered to Heaven and you wouldn't get to say goodbye. I can't remember the last time I gave my best friends hugs, but I can remember the last times that we had a ridiculously long conversation over text message and the times the helped me during recruitment. I can remember the moments that matter. The coffee dates, the homework dates, the Student Council shenanigans, and the tennis bus fiascos. And I miss them, but the memories are there. 

I can't imagine a world without my best friends being a simple text or call away. I don't want to either.  I can't imagine a world without my parents and packages that were accidentally sent to my dorm instead of the house. I can't imagine a world without my Nana and her face when I ask if she wants to go to church. 

Please, take some time out of your day to tell the people that matter in your life that they matter. You never know what could happen. One of you could end up being in a collision with a semi and not surviving. Before that happens, pick up your phone and send a message. Call someone. Tell the people that you love that they matter to you. 

You never know what could happen.

And to my friends that read my blog, I love you and I know that we will be bugging each other when we're eighty and senile. 

From Bloomington to Irvine and from Bloomington to West Lafayette, you know who you are and you know that I love you .

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