Friday, May 8, 2015

Looking Back at Freshman Year

Looking back at my freshman year of college, it wasn't exactly what I expected. Now that I'm done with my freshman year and will be headed to Indy for a concert with my parents, I have realized that I am so grateful for how it did turn out. 

What I expected:

  1. Becoming best friends with my suite mate because that's just something that happens to some people.
  2. To get all A's and an amazing GPA.
  3. Rush and become a member of the sorority that all of these adults said that I would fit into.
  4. To not gain the Freshman 15.
  5. To actually like using the bus system instead of a car. 
  6. To watch great football games with my friends. 
  7. To try all of the local international cuisine on 4th St. 
  8. To not miss my parents.
What happened:

None of these.
  1. My suite mate and I are not friends whatsoever and only talk when one of us locks ourself out of the suite. 
  2. That all A's goal definitely did not happen no matter how hard I studied because I did horrible on tests. Thankfully, my psychology professor has diagnosed me with test anxiety and now I have changed my test taking strategies to get the grades on tests that I want. I guess it's a little too late though. At least my GPA was about a 3.0 right?
  3. I may not have become a member of the sorority that everyone thought I would be a part of, but I am so thankful to be a sister of Phi Mu because it is truly where I belong and throughout the rush process I could not see myself anywhere else. 

  4. The freshman 15 was definitely gained. I'll be hitting the tennis court and the gym if you need me when I get home. 
  5. ***Excuse me while I sound like a snob****. I hate the bus system. It smells bad. The drivers are rude. People don't shower, and it's not very reliable. So thankful that I'll have my car next year so that I can drive to the mall and grocery store instead of taking the bus. I'll only have to take one bus to campus from the house so I guess I'll deal with that. 
  6. The football games at IU are definitely not what I'm used to. I'm a Notre Dame fan through and through and watching IU football games was very painful. However, how about those new recruits for IUBB? *insert smirking emoji*

  7. Yeah, I never made it to 4th street, maybe next year?
  8. Being an only child that has traveled the world without my parents, I thought it would be easy to get along without them.  I was wrong. I am so happy to be going home and to be able to see my parents everyday. Not to mention I miss my mom's cooking and dad's grilling skills. 
To incoming freshman, no matter what school you're going to, it will not turn out like you expected. Your college experience will not be like your parents'  or your older siblings'. I am so thankful that my Freshman year turned out the way it did. 

Hold on, this is about to sound like an awards ceremony: 

Thank you Sarah, Elaine, Jaleecia, Wei, Stone, and Jon for being great friends from my dorm floor and putting up with me when I'm in a bad mood. Huge thanks to Sydney for being a friend from home that I can vent to, I'll probably cry if you transfer to Furman. Thank you to my amazing sisters, especially Lakin, Cara, and the Molls (Mollie and Molly), for an amazing second semester and I can't wait for the memories to come. Last but not least, thank you Leanna and Ashley for not disowning me as a friend since you guys go to Purdon't, oops I meant Purdue, and I go to IU. Freshman year would not have gone like it did without all of you. 

Thanks for the memories!

Peace out Bloomington, see you when I visit in the summer,

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